Introducing Threshold CoC - Our New Brand

We are excited to announce a major change for our organization – we are now Threshold CoC! While we will no longer be known as MACCH, we remain focused on creating a thriving community where equitable housing exists for all.  

Our new name and brand are the result of months of research and planning that reflects our role as the leader of the local Continuum of Care (CoC). We conducted surveys and interviews with a diverse group of stakeholders to learn more about what our community needs and expects from us. Our board and team invested time in strategic meetings to align our name and brand with new messaging that clearly defines the foundation of our organization. We are grateful for all who participated in this process and are so proud that our new identity reflects both our work and our community’s needs. 

A symbol of our unwavering commitment to serving our community and dedication to making a positive impact, our new logo incorporates a bold font and vibrant colors. The three colors used in the logo symbolize the three counties we serve - Douglas, Sarpy, and Pottawattamie. Our deliberate choice of typography serves as a reminder of the crucial role we play as a convener, proactively leading the collective response to homelessness. We understand that every individual has unique experiences, and we honor their journey as we work together towards creating a better future. Our logo symbolizes the unbreakable bond that we share with our communities, and our ability to connect individuals to life-changing resources within our CoC.

The icon in our logo incorporates an abstract arrow that represents progress and momentum towards systemic and policy changes to make housing a human right. It also represents the immediate responses that our CoC is taking right now to prevent and minimize our neighbors’ experiences with housing insecurity. Our icon is multi-dimensional to show our position at the forefront of our community’s response to homelessness as well as our role in advocating for change in city and state policy. This results in a slight optical illusion, because the ‘T’ flips to represent our organization’s adaptability which is essential to meeting the needs within the tri-county area.

As the leader of the local CoC, we are centering safe and accessible housing as a human right through unified action. Our team is eager to continue to work with our partners to create a collective impact because homelessness ends with action.


Where Foster Care and Homelessness Intersect


How We Incorporate Lived Experience